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Cal-Tech (Plant Fertilizer)

Cal-Tech (Plant Fertilizer) provides the nitrate nitrogen and water soluble calcium required for plants. Cal-Tech is the best choice as the main fertilizer for plant production in variable soil and weather conditions. Both Calcium and Nitrate nitrogen are nutrients used by plants. Calcium is a valuable element, together with nitrate, a high quality product and […]

Micro Synthetic Fibres

NanoFiber® Monofilament Polypropylene Micro Fiber for Mortar and Concrete NanoFiber is a short-cut monofilament polypropylene micro fiber for preventing plastic settlement cracks and plastic shrinkage cracks in concrete. NanoFiber is micro fiber with a dimeter of 18 μm and length of 6 mm and inhibits the formation and coalescence of micro cracks induced by load free reasons […]

Macro Synthetic Fibres

Lekso® 410 Macro-Synthetic Monofilament Copolymer Fibre LEKSO 410 is a monofilament macro-synthetic copolymer fibre for reducing crack density and width, preventing plastic shrinkage and plastic settlement crack risk in concrete. LEKSO® 410 is used by adding to fresh concrete mixture. Use Large-area slab-on-grade concrete, slabs and coating concretes Industrial slabs Parking lots and loading areas Precast […]

Mineral Additives

NanoMCR NanoMCR series products have been developed for industrial minerals grinding process in order to increase production volume and provide cost saving. NanoMCR improves grindability, reduces packset, agglomeration, coating and increases flowability. They can be used for grinding of calcite, barite, dolomite, lime and ceramics. Related Products Quality Improvers Product description NanoCa NanoCA series products significantly improve cement performance&quality […]

Grinding Aids

NanoGrind NanoGrind is a new generation grinding aid for the cement production. NanoGrind 150 significantly improve grinding processefficiency and provide benefits in terms of operational costs. Advantages and Properties Improves the grindability of the clinker by reducing the specific energy consumption. Therefore, increases the efficiency of the plant (tons per hour) and productivity. Provides the desired […]

Quality Improvers

NanoCa NanoCA series products significantly improve cement performance&quality by increasing early and long-term compressive strengths and also provide benefits as grinding aids. NanoCA enhances the quality of all types of cements and improves cement performance thus gives opprutnity to produce higher class of cement to meet market demands.   NanoCA increases grinding efficiency also give chance to […]


Waterproofing and Bonding Emulsion for Mortar   Nanobinder is a synthetic rubber emulsion based admixture designed for mortars where improved adhesion and water resistance are required. Use Concrete repair mortars. Tile fixing mortars. Masonry mortars. Slab screeds. Cementitious plasters and mortars. Advantages and Properties Excellent adhesion to the applied surface. Excellent resistance against water and chemicals. […]

NanoPlaster 108

Air Entraining / Plasticizing Chemical Admixture for Mortar and Plaster Nanoplaster 108 is an air entraining / plasticizing chemical admixture designed for improving the cohesion of cement – sand mortar and plaster mixtures. Use Cement mortars of masonry structures made of clay brick, concrete and stone blocks. To improve the cohesiveness and workability of cement […]

NanoPlaster R

Set Retarding Chemical Admixture for Concrete   Nanoplaster R is a set retarding chemical admixture specially designed for concreting operationswhich retarding of setting time is needed. Use Nanoplaster R is recommended for use in the applications and purposes below. Any type of concreting operation requiring extended setting time of fresh concrete. Continuous and large volume […]

LPrimer S

Acrylic Based Curing Compound LPrimer S is a concrete curing compound with bonding enhancing property which is applied to the smooth concrete surface by roller or brush. Use LPrimer S is recommended for use in the applications below. For providing the curing needed when the water curing is difficult. Mass concrete surfaces. In any kind […]