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NanoShield P

Paraffin Based Curing Compound NanoShield P is a paraffin wax emulsion based curing compound for preventing water loss from concrete surface during hydration process. Use NanoShield P is recommended for use in the applications below. Large concrete surfaces exposed to high evaporation rate. Concreting operations where normal water curing is difficult or impossible. Prestressed concrete elements. Industrial […]

NanoShield A

-Şantiye Yardımcı Ürünler Akrilik Esaslı Beton Kür Malzemesi   NanoShield® A beton yüzeyine püskürtülerek uygulanan ve yüzeyde geçirimsiz ince bir film tabakası oluşturarak buharlaşma yoluyla su kaybını önleyen akrilik esaslı beton kür malzemesidir. Kullanım Yerleri Çok geniş ve buharlaşmaya maruz beton yüzeylerde. Betonun su kürünün zor olduğu hallerde gerekli kürü sağlamak amacıyla. Teraslarda. İstinat duvarı, […]

NanoShield AR

Resin Based Curing Compound NanoShield AR is a resin based curing compound for preventing water loss from concrete surface by a film formation on the concrete surface during hydration process. Use NanoShield AR is recommended for use in the applications below. Large concrete surfaces exposed to high evaporation rate. Concreting operations where normal water curing is difficult […]

NanoShot AL

Alkaline Wet-Mix Sprayed Concrete AdmixtureSet Accelerator Chemical Admixture for Wet-Mix Sprayed Concretes NanoShot AL is a set accelerator type of chemical admixture particularly designed for use in wet-mix sprayed concrete (shotcrete) applications. Use Wet-mix sprayed concrete applications. Concrete jacketing, lining and overhead works in tunnel constructions. Concreting operations for rock, soil and slope stabilization. Sprayed […]

NanoShot AF

Alkali-Free Set Accelerator Chemical Admixture for Wet-Mix Sprayed Concretes NanoShot AF is an alkali-free set accelerator type of chemical admixture particularly designed for use in wet-mix sprayed concrete (shotcrete) applications. Use Wet-Mix Sprayed Concretes sprayed concrete applications. Concrete jacketing, lining and overhead works in tunnel constructions Concreting operations for rock, soil and slope stabilization. High […]

NanoRedoz HP RN

Superplasticizing / Re-Dosing Chemical Admixture for Concrete NanoRedoz HP RN is a sulfonated naphthalene formaldehyde based, high-range water reducer / superplasticizer type of chemical admixture designed for re-gaining of the initial slump of fresh concrete presenting rapid slump-loss in the construction site. Süperakışkanlaştırıcı / Yeniden Dozlama Katkısı Use NanoRedoz HP RN is recommended for use in […]

NanoRedoz HP R3

Superplasticizing / Re-Dosing Chemical Admixture for Concrete NanoRedoz HP R3 is a polycarboxylate based, high-range water reducer / superplasticizer type of chemical admixture designed for re-gaining of the initial slump of fresh concrete presenting rapid slump-loss at the construction site. Use NanoRedoz HP R3 is recommended for use in the applications and purposes below. Restoring the initial […]


Hardening Accelerating Chemical Admixture for Concrete NanoRapid is a chemical admixture that accelerates the setting and early strength development of concrete. It accelerates the strength gain rate and enhances the early strength level of concrete within the first 24 hours after casting. It conforms the minimum performance requirements for hardening accelerating type of chemical admixtures in TS […]

Wascrete ® L

Water-Based Surface Retarder for Exposed Aggregate Concrete WashCrete  is a water-based, one-component and solvent-free surface retarder for washcrete or exposed aggregate concretes. Use WashCrete  is recommended for use in the applications and cases below. Washcrete or exposed aggregate concrete applications. Cast-in-place architectural or decorative concrete applications. Decorative precast façade production. Concreting applications where surface roughness is required. […]

Roller Compacted Concrete Admixtures

Superplasticizing Chemical Admixture for Zero-Slump Concretes Nanoment RCC is a superplasticizing chemical admixture designed for increasing the compactability and bond between the compacted concrete layers in very low or zero-slump dry-cast concrete mixtures such as roller compacted concrete (RCC). Use Nanoment RCC is recommended for use in the applications below. To increase the compactability and bond […]