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Ultra High-Performance Concrete Admixtures

High-Range Water-Reducing / Superplasticizing Chemical Admixture for Reactive Powder Concrete and Ultra High-Performance Concrete NanoCast RPC is polycarboxylate based, high-range water reducer / superplasticizer type of chemical admixture designed for very low cement to binder ratio cementitious mixtures such as reactive powder concrete (RPC) and ultra high-performance concrete (UHPC). Use Reactive powder concrete (RPC) production. Ultra […]

Zero-Slump Semi-Dry Concrete Admixtures

Chemical Admixture for Zero-Slump or Semi-Dry Concrete NanoBlock SD is a specially designed chemical admixture to increase compactability of zero-slump or semi-dry concrete mixtures used for cementitious curbstone and paver block production. Use Production of cementitious curbstone and paver blocks. To increase the compactability of semi-dry mixtures with zero or very low slump. Advantages and Properties […]

Prefabric Precast Concrete Admixtures

NanoCast® High-Range Water-reducing / Superplasticizing Chemical Admixture for Flowable Concrete Product Definition NanoCast is a polycarboxylate based, high-range water reducer / superplasticizer type of chemical admixture designed for the precast concrete industry which flowable and high early strength concrete production is needed. Use Concrete production in high workability classes. Self-compacting concrete production. High early and ultimate strength […]

Self-Compacting Concrete Admixtures

Nanoflow High-Range Water-reducing / Superplasticizing Chemical Admixture for Self-Compacting Concrete NanoFlow is polycarboxylate based, high-range water reducer / superplasticizer type of chemical admixture designed for the production of very flowable concretes (S5 workability class) or self-compacting concretes. NanoFlow provides very high flowability and slump retention performance. Use NanoFlow is recommended for use in the applications […]

Pumping Aids

LPump® Pumping Aid Chemical Admixture for ConcreteLPump is a pumping aid chemical admixture designed to improve pumpability of low-cohesion concrete mixtures having segregation risk during pumping. Use Pumping Aid – LPump is recommended for use in the applications below. To increase the pumpability of low-cohesion concrete mixtures with low cement paste content. Concrete mixtures produced […]

Waterproofing Admixtures

HydroPlast®Waterproofing Chemical Admixture for Concrete Waterproofing Admixtures – HydroPlast N is a modified lignosulphonate based chemical admixture reducing the surface absorption and water permeability of concrete. HydroPlast N enhances the flowability of fresh concrete. Use Waterproofing Admixtures – HydroPlast N is recommended for use in the applications below. To reduce the low-pressure or unpressurised water permeability […]

Air Entraining Admixtures

NanoAer® Air Entraining Chemical Admixture for Concrete NanoAer is a chemical admixture entraining uniformly distributed microscopic air bubbles. Use NanoAer ( Air Entraining Admixtures ) is recommended for use in the applications below. Concretes exposed to freeze and thaw cycles. Concrete roads, airport runways and taxiways. To obtain the same workability with less cement in mass […]


Super plasticizing Anti-freeze and Set accelerating admixture for concrete and mortar NanoSet is a calcium nitrate salt based with organic materials set accelerating/Anti-Freeze / plasticizer concrete admixture suitable for cold weather conditions that increases set acceleration and early strengths by increasing the reaction between water and cement especially at the start of set. Use In the production […]

Set Retarding Admixtures

NanoRetarder® Set Retardering Chemical Admixture for Concrete NanoRetarder is a set retarding chemical admixture specially designed for use in situations where setting time of fresh concrete should be intentionally extended for a long time. Use NanoRetarder is recommended for use in the applications and purposes below. Any type of concreting operation requiring extended setting time of […]

New Generation Superplasticizing Admixtures

Nanoment® HP High-Range Water Reducing / Superplasticizing Chemical Admixture for Concrete Superplasticizing Chemical Admixture – Nanoment HP is a polycarboxylate based, high-range water reducer / superplasticizer type of chemical admixture for concrete. Nanoment HP permits a high reduction in water content of a given concrete compared to a reference concrete mixture without chemical admixture. Nanoment HP […]