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High-range Water Reducing / Superplasticizing Admixtures

High-Range Water Reducing / Superplasticizing / Hardening Accelerating Chemical Admixture for Concrete

Nanoment SP ( Superplasticizing Admixtures ) is a naphthalene sulfonate based high range water reducing / superplasticizing and hardening accelerating type of chemical admixture designed for applications which high workability and early and ultimate strength development are simultaneously needed.


  • Nanoment SP ( Superplasticizing Admixtures ) is recommended for use in the applications and purposes below.
  • Ready-mix concrete production requiring high workability.
  • Concrete production in low water to binder ratio and high workability class.
  • Concreting works requiring high early and ultimate strength.
  • Heavily reinforced structural elements such as shear walls, columns and beams.
  • Wet-mix shotcrete applications.
  • Concreting applications requiring early demolding.
  • Precast concrete industry.

Advantages and Properties

  • Provides an effective dispersion of cement particles due to the electrostatic repulsion mechanism.
  • Nanoment SP is a chemical admixture which, without affecting the consistency, permits a high reduction in the water content of a given concrete, or which, without affecting the water content, increases the slump/flow considerably, or produces both effects simultaneously.
  • As compared to reference concrete, usage of Nanoment SP in an appropriate dosage increases the workability of fresh concrete and provides easiness in mixing, transporting, placing and vibration works.
  • Enhances the strength and durability of hardened concrete by achieving the target workability class in lower water to binder ratios.
  • Improves the early and ultimate strength of hardened concrete as compared to a reference concrete in the same consistency without chemical admixture.
  • Reduces demolding time as compared to reference concrete without chemical admixture.
  • Reduces shrinkage and creep of concrete.
  • Does not contain chloride or any other substances that may cause corrosion.

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