+90 232 880 70 66


Super plasticizing Anti-freeze and Set accelerating admixture for concrete and mortar

NanoSet is a calcium nitrate salt based with organic materials set accelerating/Anti-Freeze / plasticizer concrete admixture suitable for cold weather conditions that increases set acceleration and early strengths by increasing the reaction between water and cement especially at the start of set.


  • In the production of pumpable and nonpumpable high quality readymix concrete.
  • In roller compacted concrete applications.
  • In the production of grout and concrete in dam constructions.
  • In pourings in cold weather to protect concrete from freezing effect and when early high
    strength is desired.
  • In the production of reinforced and plain concretes, light or normal weight concretes off
    all kinds.
  • To increase the early strength of concrete.

Advantages and Properties

  • Protects fresh concrete from frost action by reducing the freezing point of mixing water.
  • Accelerates the hydration of cement even in temperature levels close to freeze point.
  • Shortens the required time to obtain a minimum strength level of 5 MPa for avoiding frost
    damage at early ages.
  • Increases strength gain rate and early strength.
  • Does not contain chloride or any other substances that may cause corrosion.

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