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NanoShot AF

Alkali-Free Set Accelerator Chemical Admixture for Wet-Mix Sprayed Concretes

NanoShot AF is an alkali-free set accelerator type of chemical admixture particularly designed for use in wet-mix sprayed concrete (shotcrete) applications.


  • Wet-Mix Sprayed Concretes sprayed concrete applications.
  • Concrete jacketing, lining and overhead works in tunnel constructions
  • Concreting operations for rock, soil and slope stabilization.
  • High quality sprayed concrete applications for strengthening purposes.
  • High early strength sprayed concrete applications.

Advantages and Properties

  • Significantly shortens the setting time and increases the strength gain rate of concrete through its special design. It is an appropriate chemical admixture for sprayed concrete applications.
  • Alkali-free.
  • Appropriate for glass fiber reinforced sprayed concrete that may be negatively affected from high alkaline environment.
  • NanoShot AF enhances the productivity and shortens the construction time of sprayed concrete applications by increasing the cohesion of the mix, shortening the setting time and increasing early strength of sprayed concrete.
  • Reduces the loss of material by rebound.
  • Reduces the ultimate strength loss.
  • Compatible with the other types of chemical admixtures (i.e. air entraining admixtures).
  • Improves the bond between rock surface and sprayed concrete layer as well as old and new sprayed concrete layers.
  • Does not contain chloride or any other substances that may cause corrosion.

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