+90 232 880 70 66

Sodium Naphthalene Sulfonate

Water Reducing / Superplasticizing Raw material for Concrete Admixtures

Sodium Naphthalene Sulfonate based raw material designed for high water reducing in concrete admixture formulations as raw material.


  • The product is used in the following conditions and applications. 

  • Ready-mix concrete requiring high workability and workability retention performance. 

  • Industrial floors. 

  • Reinforced concrete slabs and floors. 

  • Heavily reinforced concrete elements such as column, shear wall and beam.

Advantages and Properties

  • Increases the abrasion resistance of concrete by reducing segregation and bleeding.
  • Provides water reduce in concrete
  • Enables to produce flowable concrete mixtures with low water to binder ratios.
  • Provides high workability retention without significantly affecting the setting time of cement.

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